Student Tools
Below you will find all information needed for a student to succeed in our programs. Any other information that is needed for the student will be provided by the instructor. We sell equipment/supplies that helps provide funding for the studio and its programs. Please see an instructor for more details.
Class Rules & Requirements
Respect your instructors and fellow students. We are here to learn and can learn from any one no matter the rank.
Know the tenets of Tae Kwon Do.
Respect your Dojang. Bow to the flags when you enter and exit the Dojang. No horse-play, you would not want to have to repair/pay for damage to the Dojang.
Always address/answer your instructors and students as “Sir” or “Ma’am”.
All students in school must maintain a "C" average and provide instructors with a copy of the report card.
Please maintain proper hygiene/clean uniform. It reflects you as a person.
Always be respectful and humble in attitude and behavior.
Be punctual. Come before class to stretch and get warmed up. Those that are late cause distractions in the classroom and will be required to do an assigned exercise for being tardy.
Come ready to train and be dedicated to the art. Do not bring personal problems/drama to the Dojang and the instructors.
No jewelry, candy, or horse-play in the Dojang.
Leave any attitude at the door. We will not tolerate any cursing or disrespect to instructors or students.
• Student’s ability to respect oneself, as well as others. Respecting oneself includes obtaining proper nutrition, rest, and physical exercise. Respecting others involves consistently demonstrating a gracious, just, and helpful attitude towards others.
• This concept entails the student to be honest with oneself and others in both thought and action.
• Refers to the students holding steadfast to a course of action, belief, or purpose. This tenet governs the student’s ability to complete what is begun.
• Refers to the student’s ability to keep their emotions consistent and in balance over time.
• Refers to the students ability to tirelessly pursue and stand firmly for the principles he\she holds to be true.
Ready stance (Jhoon-Bee)
Attention (Charyot)
Bow (Kyung Rye)
Front kick (Hp-Cha-Gee)
Side block (Yuhp-Mack-Gee)
Round kick (Dollyo-Cha-Gee)
Knife hand block (Soo-Do-Mack-Gee)
Knife hand strike (Soo-Do-Tey-Rey-Gee)
Side kick (Yuhp-Cha-Gee)